Thursday, September 23, 2010

My First Award!!

How EXCITING!!! Someone reads my drivel... they love me, they really love me!! hahaha I had to...

On to the award


Thank you sooo much Becky! You just brightened my little day! Now off to find some new exciting blogs to award!

Here are the rules:
1. Thank the person who gave me the award.
2. Share seven things about myself.
3. Nominate 15 newly discovered blogs.
4. Let my nominees know about their award.

7 things about me... hmmmm
1) I LOVE green... I don't know what it is about that color that just draws me. Maybe I'm kind of like Mr Zuckerman, creator of Facebook, he's color bind with blue being his strongest.... Maybe green is just the strongest color for me.
2) I actually wear green everyday... I had this pointed out to me several years ago. Sometimes it's clothing, sometimes just my peridot ring.
3) My mom is my BFF... I know lots of girls say that, but this has only occurred in the last year. She still doesn't always tell me what I want to hear, but I can't stay mad at her anymore. We talk AT LEAST once a day.
4) I want to be a Doctor. It's a lofty goal for a 27yr old who doesn't even have her AS yet... but it's been on my heart for years and previous experience as an EMT and hemodialysis tech, confirm that it's the only thing that makes me feel alive, every day.
5) I just moved from my home in VA to KY last Sept... I'm still learning my way around... making new friends... missing the old (hey, it's not easy starting over) but I love it here and being here I do believe was in the "doctor" design. There happens to be a good med school in downtown.
6) I'm a nerd... in the uncool sense of the word. hahaha. I love to read, excell at computers, and have been known to like an anime or two (though in my defense, it was years ago)
7) I love the outdoors. I love hiking, running, anything water related... sports, kayaking, or just sitting outside in wonder of the world.

Now that we've gotten past THAT... sheesh, I ramble.

New blogs to award!
Living Active

OMG I FINALLY found 15... ok 16 blogs to award... It only took me 7 hours. I did find some gems though... hope you all will check them out... I know I've added to my reading list!

Don't know if I'll make another post today... if not, everyone have a fabulous night... if you're not sweatin you ain't working!! :D


  1. Thank you for the award! :D

    It is great to have you as a new reader. You are now on my blogroll and I am following.

    I'll be back soon to catch up with your past posts.

  2. Oh boy! I love awards! Makes me feel like a prom queen or something. Whatever that feels like, I wouldn't know because I was always busy smoking a joint in the back and rolling my eyes at everyone else. hahaha. Thanks for reading and for the award. I'm just going to have to follow you now. Isn't getting new followers the most exiciting part of the day? Obviously the answer is YES. :)

  3. Hi-I'm over from the Hot 100...looking forward to following your progress.

    LIke your goal of going to med school. I am planning to as well, as soon as I finish my PhD (hopefully sooner rather than later!). Have you taken your pre-reqs yet?

    Anyway, talk at you soon-looking forward to reading your 'drivel'.

    Polar's Mom

  4. yay yay thank you. very honoured to get a mention here!(especially as I really need to update my page!!)Salina Lyn said pretty much what I'd like to say, though, being Irish, I have ZERO concept of prom queen!! Anyhoo, will be updating soon. Meantime, as a Spanish barman at our local said recently to me while laughing at my hangover face "Welcome to the jungle!!"! Thanks for the add and the award!:P

  5. Thank you very much for the award. I'll read your past posts so I can catch up with your life and what's important to you.

  6. Hey there! Just found your blog and you're too cute!!
    Congrats on the award! Keep up your great work :D

  7. Yea on the award!! I'm bad, I've never participated whenever I get an award. Not that I don't appreciate it when it happens.

    Keep hanging in there! Stay positive!
