Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Been a while

I'm sorry I haven't written... wait. It's my blog... I write when I want. So there.

I'm holding at 245... I haven't really been trying, or exercising much. I've been tending a broken heart... We all know that right? The one that makes you swear off relationships and cry into pillows every night... I think boo! Two thumbs, severely down.

But the silver lining these things always seem to have, in this situation, is a little bit of clarity in life. I'm seeing my goals laid out before me... I see the woman I want to be, not in the physical sense... in the soul sense.

I've been reading a book... devouring it really. Eat, Pray, Love. If you haven't read it... get thee hence to the bookstore, yesterday! This woman is me. She writes the way I do... talks the same and has the same desires. The journey she is on is one I feel I'm on as well. I guess "was" is the better word...

Anyways... I'm not going to ramble. I'm making a lot of changes in my life, heartache always seems to incite such things. I don't know when I'll write again. I'm sorry I'm being selfish and un-supportive of your journeys. I sincerely hope things are wonderful for each of you. I promise that I will take the time to catch up with each of you once I get some things straight in my life.